Tuesday, January 31, 2017

My Family

I live on Long Island with my mom, my dad, and my younger brother. My mom is loving, responsible, and optimistic. She always points out the positive points in a situation if I am focused on the negative aspects. My dad is diligent, outgoing, and amusing. He loves having a good time and making people laugh. My brother is intelligent, reliable, and cool-headed. I can always count on my brother to be there for me when I need help. My family has tons of great qualities!

responsible (adjective) - able to be trusted to do what is right or to do the things that need to be done
optimistic (adjective) - expecting good things to happen
focus (verb) - to direct your attention or effort at something specific
aspect (noun) - a part of something
diligent (adjective) - doing hard work carefully
outgoing (adjective) - someone who is friendly and likes being with and talking to other people
amusing (adjective) - funny or enjoyable
intelligent (adjective) -  having or showing the ability to easily learn or understand things
reliable (adjective) - able to be trusted to do what is needed
cool-headed (adjective) - able to think and act in a calm way

Vocabulary Exercise
Create a sentence using each vocabulary word. Don't forget to start with an uppercase letter and end with the appropriate punctuation mark.
1. responsible _____________________________________________________________
2. optimistic _______________________________________________________________
3. focus __________________________________________________________________
4. aspect _________________________________________________________________
5. diligent _________________________________________________________________
6. outgoing _______________________________________________________________
7. amusing ________________________________________________________________
8. intelligent _______________________________________________________________
9. reliable _________________________________________________________________
10. cool-headed ___________________________________________________________

Grammar Point
An adjective is a part of speech that describes a noun or pronoun. For example, I explained that, "My mom is loving, responsible, and optimistic." The words "loving", "responsible", and "optimistic" are adjectives because they describe my mom.

Grammar Exercise:
Which adjectives do you see in my paragraph? Write three sentences using adjectives to describe nouns.

Watch this video if you want to learn more about adjectives!

1 comment:

  1. Very fine entry! I like the introduction to your family and their many characteristics expressed by adjectives.
